TBI: Brain Fatigue!


Traumatic Brain Injuries and fatigue are synonymous! Fatigue, if not taken care of, more symptoms will plague a person.

Sensations from the brain are physical warning signs!

If we do not understand what to look for, the ability to Function worsens.

Have you ever held a baby as the infant goes to sleep, suddenly their bodies become intensely heavy in your arms.

The same profound heaviness is a similar sensation of our brain, as if the Brain collapses in our skull. The Brain feels heavy — dull — plunging deep into the skull; nothing will process.

Curing TBIs is a new terrain in neurosciences. If a person has never experienced the daily arduous eccentric characteristics, finding a singular formula is next to impossible.

The agonizing constant Quirks that plague a person, if attempting to explain to a doctor who lacks any degree of TBI awareness, becomes all the more difficult.

This is where people such as myself, who have figured out the recovery process, and study neuroscience collaborate; time to Slay the Myths!