The Bridge; A device designed to help addicts get clean

 The Miami Valley is in the middle of a major drug epidemic. With the response we get on our social media pages from stories about drugs, we know it affects almost everyone in the area. But, now there's hope.

The device is called the Bridge. It's a small, compact device with several electrodes that send pulses to the mid-brain. The portion of the brain that controls addiction. The bridge stops the effects of withdrawal in some cases within minutes. It's symptoms every addict recognizes the symptoms of withdrawal.

"Ugh, hot and cold, restless legs. Oh my God it's so uncomfortable," said Thomas Searles.

"Why are you here?" asked the reporter.

"Um, I'm addicted to heroin," said Searles.

Thomas and his wife Melissa are at the North Dayton Addiction and Recovery Center in Vandalia.

"When you're in withdrawal you feel, well, I'm sure you can see how I feel," said Thomas, "That's why no one can get off of it. The withdraws are so bad that you will do anything to feel better."

Thomas' mom is here for a sobering reason.

"I'm here to save my son and his wife from being buried and dead. I can't go through that again," said Carolyn Searles, Thomas' mom.

Carolyn is reminded of the pain of losing a child. She's lost two already.

"Every day I was begging him please don't make me bury you. You gotta stop. You gotta stop," said Carolyn.

The couple is here for this.

"The bridge through neuro stimulatory pathways between the ear and the mid-brain kid of blunt the effects of withdrawal and then inhibit the cravings of addiction," said Dr. Paul Kolodzik, Medical Director, North Dayton Addiction and Recovery.