THE "I CARE PROJECT": Revise NMU Student Self-Destructive Behavior Policy

Northern Michigan University has an outdated policy that discourages students who have suicidal thoughts from reaching out to other NMU students for help.

We feel this policy is outdated and will prohibit students from getting help that is needed.

"According to the American College Health Association's most recent annual national survey, 30 percent of college students reported feeling "so depressed that it was difficult to function" at some time over the past year. Nearly three fourths of respondents in a 2011 National Alliance on Mental Illness study of college students diagnosed with mental health conditions said they experienced a mental health crisis while in school ("

We make 10 demands to the NMU administration regarding the policy and in order to show solidarity with members of the NMU community who suffer from suicidal thoughts will write "I care" on each wrist on 11/18 to show that we would prefer to have a discussion with our fellow classmates and friends than lose them to suicide.