The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies: Make your own video- it’s easy!

The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies wants YOU to talk about why disability-inclusive disaster preparedness and recovery is important!

People with disabilities are two to four times more likely to be injured or killed in a disaster.   Why is this?

  • People with disabilities are often left out of emergency preparedness plans, which leads to a lack of consideration and preparation for their needs.

  • Example:  During televised emergency announcements, sometimes ASL interpreters are not on the screen- or- are not qualified ASL interpreters. 

We invite you to submit a short (1 to 2 minute) video explaining why emergency preparedness professionals need to #GetItRight and include people with disabilities in their emergency preparedness planning process- from start to finish.

The Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies will compile these videos into a playlist, #DisabilityInclusiveDisasterPrep,  caption them, and share them on social media.  

We’ll start sharing these videos to ramp up the energy for the Partnership’s 2018 National Getting It Right Conference in Washington, DC on May 23 to May 25.    

This is your chance to tell emergency preparedness professionals they need to to include the disability community in emergency planning and response process.

The Partnership has prepared a guide to  walk you through the steps to create this video, including filming, talking points, and sending a link to us so we can caption it and include it in our playlist.

Deadline:  We would like to share them by the conference start on May 23, 2018, but will be accepting them after the conference too!

We can't wait to see and share your messages!