The app, which went live at the end of 2012, takes its name straight from the frontlines. “POS REP” is military slang for “Position Report,” which means to provide your location. The fact that it’s an app goes beyond the mobile-only trend. “Mobile is ideal for the type of user behavior we’d like to encourage. We don’t want veterans sitting behind their computers posting cat GIFs all day. We want veterans engaging with each other online, but more importantly offline,” says Allman, who previously founded Cloud Corpsman, a direct import tool for Veteran’s Affairs “Blue Button” medical data. “There’s also a battle taking place in the way we consume content. Search works well if you know exactly what you’re looking for (say, for a pair of shoes), but when you get out of the military, often times you don’t know what you want or need in terms of services. POS REP uses a discovery approach to push curated information that we believe is relevant or useful based on our collective experience as veterans.”