Truth & Reconciliation in Psychiatry - update | Recovery In Sight offers training products and training services, research, advisory and self-help services

Many more people are undersigning the Truth and Reconciliation in Psychiatry (TRIP) draft statement - and as they are doing so, the list of signatories is growing. An updated version (December 2010) is below.

At the General Assembly of the European Network of Users and Survivors in Psychiatry, held in Thessaloniki on 30th September 2010, delegates voted to adopt the Truth and Reconciliation in Psychiatry campaign as part of the future work of the new ENUSP board.

Click on the link below to read in more detail the reasoning behind this request for an apology - and if you have comments or suggestions, or would like to undersign this request for an apology, please contact Dr Wallcraft by emailing to
