Twitter Chat With Joe Shapiro, Author Of “No Pity”

This event is tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 pm EST.......

A Twitter Chat has been scheduled with Joseph Shapiro, the author of No Pity, and you are all invited!


Twitter Chat with Author Joe Shapiro on 12/02 at 1pm EST

Hashtag: #NoPityDisability

Joe Shapiro’s Twitter Handle: @NPRJoeShapiro

Meriah’s Twitter Handle: @meriahhudson

How to Participate:

Follow @meriahhudson on Twitter for updates

At 1pm EST on December 2nd (or 10am PST), search #NoPityDisability on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the “Latest” tab for the full conversation.

You can tune in to ONLY the chat’s questions (so you can respond to them) by checking @meriahhudson’s account.

Each question will be tweeted 6-8 minutes apart to give author @NPRJoeShapiro time to answer, and others to chime in.

Introductory Tweets and Questions for Chat

Welcome to the #NoPityDisability chat with author @NPRjoeshapiro. Remember to use the hashtag when you tweet!

This chat is hosted by @meriahhudson on behalf of the Lit League (A Riveting Book Club with a Focus on Disability):

In order for your tweets to be collected and found by everyone, be sure to respond to a question using the following format “Q1 [your message] #NoPityDisability”

We will be talking about the book No Pity, it’s themes of the disability rights movement, the emergence of disability culture, rights and empowerment in this chat. Please note PwD=people w/ disabilities #NoPityDisability