Wayne State University awarded federal suicide prevention grant


A $305,000 federal grant will go toward efforts to combat suicide and aid at-risk groups at Wayne State University.

Jeffrey Kuentzel, the university's director of counseling and psychological services, called the grant "a huge thing for Wayne State, because -- like at probably just about any large university with a lot students and resources stretched thin -- we could always use some more help with identifying students who need help."

He defined at risk groups as veterans, LGBT students and on-campus students who  experience homesickness or isolation from their normal support groups.

The grant will be broken down into about $100,000 per year. 

The Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority and the university are also providing $328,000 in matching funds toward the initiative.

"Nationally, the rate of suicide has been increasing over the last 10 years, so any extra help will be able to dedicate more resources and expert help toward the problem of suicide," Kuentzel said.