What Role Should Art Play In Presenting Mental Illness To The World?


Art and mental health have a long history of association. Often, the two are even seen as dependent on one another — without misery, the ideas go, one cannot create.

This perception, which is rooted in a dangerous romanticism, may have some basis in reality — people with bipolar disorder, for instance, have reported high levels of creativity during manic episodes. But scientists have also criticized research suggesting a direct link between mental illness and creativity, and warn against such broad-stroke conclusions.

Whatever the link, what is evident is that art is an effective outlet for individuals with mental illnesses. An extensive literature review in 2010 noted that:

“There is evidence that engagement with artistic activities, either as an observer of the creative efforts of others or as an initiator of one’s own creative efforts, can enhance one’s moods, emotions, and other psychological states as well as have a salient impact on important physiological parameters.”

While I get highly irritated by the suggestion that a few minutes of mindful coloring can cure debilitating illnesses, it’s clear that creativity can indeed provide a useful channel for exploring one’s self, which can help with the management of difficult mental health.

But what about sharing this creativity?

Increasingly in recent years, there have been high-profile art exhibitions, theater productions, books, photography displays, television shows, and movies exploring mental health, often written, produced, and performed by the individual at the center of the story. Losing It, a two-woman show about mental health written and performed by comic actor Ruby Wax and musician Judith Owen, has received rave reviews in London. Stephen Fryuses poetry to help deal with his bipolar and depression. And Lena Dunhamhas been pretty vocal about her mental illnesses, which she’s explored on Girls and in her writing. Finding art a valuable tool for themselves, these creators have decided to share their experiences with others.