Which Nutrients Help Treat Restless Leg Syndrome?

Antipsychotic medications are notorious for producing this side effect, called akathisia. I ran across it as a complaint (for some the worst single side effect of the medication) in the 70's. It really irritates me when people make fun of it......


As our own House Call Doctor explains, the causes are poorly understood - and various.  RLS sometimes accompanies other neurological diseases. It can also be exacerbated by certain prescription medications or nutrient deficiencies. It also simply runs in some families, with no obvious cause. (If you do struggle with RLS, take heart in the knowledge that it also sometimes disappears as mysteriously as it starts!). 

Stretching before bed can sometimes reduce the symptoms and Get-Fit Guy has some great stretching routines that target the legs and calf muscles. If your RLS is really interfering with your sleep and ability to function, your doctor may be able to prescribe medication that will help.  

But what about nutrition? Are there foods or supplements that can help with RLS? 

(There is a 6 minute podcast link).