Maintenance therapy for medication-free patients with major depression shows promise in pilot study

Neuronetics, Inc. has announced results from a new, dual-arm randomized pilot study that showed a trend toward symptomatic improvements with once-monthly TMS maintenance therapy in medication-free patients treated with NeuroStar TMS Therapy® for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Six weeks of acute NeuroStar TMS Therapy induced remission in 61.2 percent of all enrolled patients. At three months, 62.5 percent of medication-free patients randomized to once-monthly treatment with NeuroStar TMS Therapy maintained response as compared to 43.8 percent of patients who did not receive maintenance treatment. The complete findings were presented at the 167th American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in New York City.

Mental Health Dignity Rally

See the Facebook Page for the initiative at

There was a nice turnout for the Mental Health Dignity Rally at the Michigan State Capitol Sunday afternoon. Apparently a total of 19 events were held nationally, with 3 in Michigan-Kalamazoo and Sandusky, as well as Lansing. The speeches were great and the signs were fantastic. Kudos to Jean D. and Scott S. for pulling this together on such short notice. Next year will be bigger!

A cup of coffee can help you act ethically at work

Caffeine could help sleep-deprived workers resist unethical influence from higher-ups, according to research by business professors at the University of Washington, the University of Arizona and the University of North Carolina.

Lack of sleep can lead to unethical behavior in the workplace, they have found, but the equivalent of a large cup of coffee can help sleep-deprived employees bolster their ability to control their behavior and resist unethical temptations, according to their new study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

“When you’re sleep deprived at work, it’s much easier to simply go along with unethical suggestions from your boss because resistance takes effort and you’re already worn down,” said David Welsh, an organizational behavior professor at the University of Washington. “However, we found that caffeine can give sleep-deprived individuals the extra energy needed to resist unethical behavior.”

Willie Brooks is the New Oakland CMH Director

“We consider ourselves extremely fortunate that Mr. Brooks has accepted the official role to lead our network in public mental health service delivery,” says OCCMHA Board Chair, Malkia Newman. “His demonstrated commitment to the people we serve, our core provider agencies, and to our internal staff members has proven to be a valuable asset in our ability to inspire hope, empower people, and strengthen communities.”

One in three people struggle to cope at work due to depression or stress according to new survey

An omnibus survey of 1,200 people across the UK has shown that a third of people struggle to cope at work because ofdepressionstress or burn out, with 83 per cent of those affected experiencing isolation or loneliness as a result. Only half of those feeling lonely or isolated had confided in a colleague, yet nearly three quarters (71 per cent) found that discussing their condition with a colleague helped them feel better.

Mental Health Now Covered Under ACA, but Not for Everyone

The law makes mental and behavioral health treatment one of 10 essential benefits required in new insurance policies sold on the federal health exchange as well as to patients on Medicaid. That provides a promising path toward comprehensive coverage of mental illness, equal to that of medical and surgical needs.

But coverage of care for disorders including schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, childhood behavioral disorders and addiction are far from assured for all Americans.

For now, mental health coverage is rife with state-by-state disparities; and within states, attempts to include it range from almost nonexistent to a variety of creative experiments with Medicaid coverage.

Half of Homeless men have brain injury

Shouldn't be a surprise, but apparently it is....

Almost half of all homeless men who took part in a study by St. Michael’s Hospital had suffered at least one traumatic brain injury in their life and 87 per cent of those injuries occurred before the men lost their homes.

While assaults were a major cause of those traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, (60 per cent) many were caused by potentially non-violent mechanisms such as sports and recreation (44 per cent) and motor vehicle collisions and falls (42 per cent).

Recognition that a TBI sustained in childhood or early teenage years could predispose someone to homelessness may challenge some assumptions that homelessness is a conscious choice made by these individuals, or just the result of their addictions or mental illness, said Dr. Topolovec-Vranic.

Breakthroughs could lead to 'powerful treatment for depression'

Ghrelin has also bee looked at for controlling weight gain and Type II diabetes.... 

The researchers, including Dr. Jeffrey Zigman, associate professor of internal medicine and psychiatry at UT Southwestern, say they have uncovered an important mechanism by which ghrelin - a natural antidepressanthormone - works inside the brain.

In addition, the team has uncovered a neuroprotective drug that they say has the potential to be a powerful treatment fordepression.

To reach their findings, recently published in the journalMolecular Psychiatry, the researchers began by analyzing ghrelin in mice models. Ghrelin is referred to as the "hunger hormone," as it is known for its ability to arouse appetite.

E-Benefits site for Vets

“Our service members haven’t always had the time or information they needed to prepare their resumes, to plot their career goals, to meet with employers and get the jobs they deserve. And that’s simply not acceptable,” said First Lady Michelle Obama.  “As my husband has said, when you’ve fought for this country around the world, you shouldn’t have to fight for a job when you return home.  Starting today, every single service member, every veteran, and every military family will have access to a new online tool that will revolutionize how you find jobs in both the public and private sectors.  All you have to do is log on to”