Minority, Disabled Kids Hit Most By Teachers in U.S.


Discipline, including school corporal punishment, has been shown to be administered in unfair proportions to minority students and students with disabilities, according to this 2014 Civil Rights Data Collection study by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. The study shows that minority preschool children (four and five year olds) make up almost half of all out-of-school suspensions for preschoolers.

Additionally, this study by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) at the University of Missouri (a state where corporal punishment is legal) states that while only 14 percent of students have disabilities, students with disabilities account for 19 percent of the students receiving corporal punishment. Further, although African American students comprise just 17 percent of all students in the United States, they experience 36 percent of the instances of corporal punishment in the U.S.

Scarred Memory: A World War II Nurse’s VA Lobotomy Takes Toll on Family She Raised

This is one of a number of articles on lobotomy listed near the middle of this one...


This is the woman who raised Paul and his two brothers, patching their scrapes, cooking their dinners and seeing them through to adulthood. But she is also a mother who could be childlike and emotionally distant, prone to humiliating public displays of hostility, and who once chased a friend out of the house with a butter knife.

Dorothy is one of the last survivors among roughly 2,000 psychiatrically ill veterans the Veterans Administration lobotomized in the 1940s and 1950s. The Wall Street Journal in 2013 first detailed the VA lobotomy program and profiled the troubled life of World War II pilot Roman Tritz, 91, the only living lobotomized veteran the newspaper could locate at the time.

Quinnipiac to compensate student expelled for depression

Hell of a story...


As a freshman in 2011, the student sought counseling at the school’s mental health counseling services. During one of the meetings, the student was transported in an ambulance and sent to a hospital in New Haven, Connecticut.

The student then received an envelope from the school, telling her that she was placed on mandatory medical leave.

“I was really shocked and hurt,” the student told the Courant. “I didn’t understand why I couldn’t go back to my room to get my stuff. Why was I considered such a danger when the hospital was letting me out? I felt kind of stupid and kind of like a failure. I felt like I had just ruined my entire life in one day.”

Alcohol disrupts sleep despite initial sedative effect


"People likely tend to focus on the commonly reported sedative properties of alcohol, which is reflected in shorter times to fall asleep, particularly in adults, rather than the sleep disruption that occurs later in the night," said Christian L. Nicholas, National Health & Medical Research Council Peter Doherty Research Fellow in the Sleep Research Laboratory at The University of Melbourne as well as corresponding author for the study.

Redefining Mental Illness


The report says that there is no strict dividing line between psychosis and normal experience: “Some people find it useful to think of themselves as having an illness. Others prefer to think of their problems as, for example, an aspect of their personality which sometimes gets them into trouble but which they would not want to be without.”

The report adds that antipsychotic medications are sometimes helpful, but that “there is no evidence that it corrects an underlying biological abnormality.” It then warns about the risk of taking these drugs for years.

And the report says that it is “vital” that those who suffer with distressing symptoms be given an opportunity to “talk in detail about their experiences and to make sense of what has happened to them” — and points out that mental health services rarely make such opportunities available.

VA to send specialists to investigate problems at Wisconsin hospital


The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provided additional details today into its investigation of its hospital in Tomah, Wisconsin, following a report from The Center for Investigative Reporting documenting runaway narcotic prescriptions, retaliatory management and overdose deaths.

statement released by the VA said that “a clinical review team consisting of specialists” will go to Tomah within two weeks to “review medication prescription practices there.” The internal investigation also would include representatives from the VA’s Office of Accountability Review.

Attempted suicide among young people can be reduced by 50 percent


A new study published in The Lancet outlines a programme for preventing suicidality among young people. The results provide strong endorsement for a method whereby school students learn to discover signs of mental ill-health in themselves and their friends, while they are also trained to understand, interpret and manage challenging emotions. The European study was led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, and researchers now hope to see the method reach a large number of young people in European schools.

The study provides results showing the effectiveness of the Awareness Programme - which gives students a tool to exercise influence over their mental health - in preventing attempted suicide and serious suicidal thoughts with plans how to commit suicide. One year after completing the programme, the number of attempted suicides and serious suicidal thoughts and planned suicides in this group was 50% lower compared with the control group. In the two other groups, where the responsibility for the students' mental health rested exclusively with the teacher or professional health care personnel, the proportion was the same as in the control group.

PTSD doubles diabetes risk in women


the greater the number and severity of PTSD symptoms, the greater a woman's risk of type 2 diabetes. Four percent of the nurses reported the highest number of PTSD symptoms. By age 60, nearly 12 percent of women with the highest number of PTSD symptoms had developed type 2 diabetes, whereas fewer than 7 percent of women with no trauma exposure had diabetes.

Antidepressant use and elevated body mass index accounted for nearly half of the increased risk of type 2 diabetes, or 34 and 14 percent, respectively. On the other hand, smoking, diet quality, alcohol intake, and physical activity did not explain the association.

One in nine women will have PTSD at sometime over the course of her lifetime--twice the rate of men. Women are also more likely to experience extreme traumatic events like rape that carry a high risk for the disorder.

As Suicides Spike, Some Policymakers Seek Answers

You can look at Michigan specific data further down the page......


In the Suicide Belt, several states are experiencing significantly more deaths than just a few years ago. One primary reason why suicides are more prevalent out West, experts say, is a lack of access to mental health care. In parts of central Utah, providers can be 100 miles away or more. Access to firearms and gun ownership rates are also greater in the region. One University of Utah neuroscientist even published research theorizing high altitudes cause changes in brain chemistry resulting in more mood disorders.

Research hasn’t linked a single prevailing factor to steadily rising rates. But some of the more commonly cited culprits are the downturn in the economy, prescription drug abuse and returning veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

About half of suicides nationally are committed with firearms, according to CDC data. A bill passed by Utah lawmakers earlier this year allocates funding toward brochures outlining suicide prevention and firearm safety tips. It also provides rebate vouchers for gun safe purchases using surplus funds from concealed-carry permit fees. Myers plans to help firearm safety instructors integrate suicide-prevention training into their courses.