12-Fold Increase Of Suicide Risk In People With Severe Mental Illness

People with psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, are 12 times more likely to commit suicide than average, according to research released by King's Health Partners.

The research found that the rate of suicide was highest in the first year following diagnosis (12 times national average) and that high risk persisted - remaining four times greater than the general population ten years after diagnosis, a time when there may be less intense clinical monitoring of risk.

I suspect that the first year after diagnosis sees a profound lack of personal support. Peers need to focus on that first year!

Transition Challenges Facing Youth with Mental Health Needs (Part 1 of 3) | NCWD/Youth – The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth

Mental health problems among children and youth pose many challenges that complicate their young lives, inhibit healthy development, and often continue into adulthood if they aren’t identified and properly addressed. According to a recent national report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

  • 8.1 percent of America’s adolescents aged 12 to 17 (2 million youth) experienced at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in 2009;
  • only 34.7 percent of these adolescents received treatment during this period; and
  • Adolescents who had suffered from an MDE in 2009 were more than three times as likely as other adolescents to have had a substance use disorder in the same period.

I wonder what support for transition occurs in schools?

Phase I Trial Of Vaccine Shows Promising Results In Coeliac Disease

The world's first potential vaccine for coeliac disease has shown promising results for treating coeliac disease in a Phase I clinical trial and is expected to move to Phase II trials within the next year.

Celiac disease (coeliac in Australia?) can produce a lot of mental symptoms. Also interesting because of the idea that vaccination can treat autoimmune disorders (fibromyalgia?)

Living with Schizophrenia: A Call for Hope and Recovery - Viewing Room

The “Living with Schizophrenia” screening room is proud to offer you the opportunity to view “Living with Schizophrenia” and its trailers.

“Living with Schizophrenia” was funded and produced by Janssen Division of Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The people featured in the film present their own stories and ideas and were not compensated by Janssen to appear in the film. Janssen does not endorse any organization, source of information or project named in the film. Janssen products are not named or promoted in the film.

There is a link to a "Viewing Room". I haven't watched the film yet.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Common Following Significant Orthopaedic Trauma

Although most commonly associated with military combat, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur in civilians, too - and with consequences that are just as serious, according to a new review article in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS). PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs after a person experiences a traumatic event involving physical injury, and occurs in 20 to 51 percent of patients with an orthopaedic injury.

National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery Releases Guidelines for Promoting Recovery Through Choice and Alternatives | NCMHR

The National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery (NCMHR), a national coalition of statewide consumer/survivor organizations and others, has released guidelines to educate people about the values-based needs of individuals with mental health challenges. The guidelines — "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Psychiatric Care and Other Services and Supports: Guidelines for Promoting Recovery Through Choice and Alternatives" — were developed by a diverse group of people with the lived experience of mental health recovery from across the United States. They are available here and pasted in below. "It is our intention that these guidelines be used as a tool for training and education of all community members interested in improving the provision of mental health services and supports," said NCMHR director Lauren Spiro. "It is our hope that the guidelines will be incorporated into current efforts at mental health systems reform."

Thanks and a hat tip to Hopeworks Community

Mental health cuts in Detroit have increased law enforcement problems, flooded ERs and created general misery - Crain's Detroit Business - Detroit News and Information

Four consecutive years of funding cutbacks to mental health services in Michigan - $8.5 million proposed for fiscal 2012 starting Oct. 1 – are starting to take its toll on law enforcement and mental health agencies in metropolitan Detroit, said a number of top officials at a meeting Wednesday at the Detroit Central City Community Mental Health Inc., which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this month.

In stark testimony before 50 top officials, including Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Elizabeth Knisely, director of the state Department of Human Services, Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon and Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee Jr. said the mental health funding cutbacks have impacted public safety, law enforcement operations and increased problems with jail overcrowding.

Thanks and a hat tip to Patti D.