States make deep cuts in mental health funding - Chicago Sun-Times

Rather than saving money in the long-term, the cuts will force people with untreated mental illness into higher-cost settings, such as hospital emergency rooms, correctional facilities and homeless shelters, NAMI Illinois executive director Lora Thomas said.

“We need to be educated and smart enough to realize that costs don’t diminish in any way when we reduce treatment,” she said.

Truth & Reconciliation in Psychiatry - update | Recovery In Sight offers training products and training services, research, advisory and self-help services

Many more people are undersigning the Truth and Reconciliation in Psychiatry (TRIP) draft statement - and as they are doing so, the list of signatories is growing. An updated version (December 2010) is below.

At the General Assembly of the European Network of Users and Survivors in Psychiatry, held in Thessaloniki on 30th September 2010, delegates voted to adopt the Truth and Reconciliation in Psychiatry campaign as part of the future work of the new ENUSP board.

Click on the link below to read in more detail the reasoning behind this request for an apology - and if you have comments or suggestions, or would like to undersign this request for an apology, please contact Dr Wallcraft by emailing to


Beyond Meds

This post is written by a friend of Alison Hymes, Tina. Please sign the petition here.

We need to get behind our sister psychiatric survivor, Alison Hymes of Charlottesville, VA. I just got off the the phone with Alison, and she authorized me to share her information to get support and assistance.

Alison is currently at Martha Jefferson Hospital. She had the independent psychiatric evaluation today, and they are definitely sending her to Western State Hospital. They didn’t have the commitment hearing yet…that’s Monday. But she says it’s just a formality. This is WSH, where they wish to send her for 6 months

Thanks and a hat tip to Beyond Meds and Stephen Drake

A suicide prevention poster from the Icarus Project « Beyond Meds

shouldn’t we be addressing, in some way, the person who is actually considering this extreme action?  It’s as if the assumption is that person is beyond reason, beyond understanding (if you want to get explicit about it, not really human anymore), so there’s no point talking to him.

That’s why I like this poster from the Icarus Project so much; it speaks directly from one survivor to another (future) survivor.

PTSD Symptoms And How They Affect Quality Of Life

The researchers found that, of four major symptoms associated with PTSD, not all were associated with a patient's immediate quality of life, even though those who sought treatment for PTSD expressed significant overall declines in mental health.

Distressing recollections of a traumatic event and avoidance of certain activities and thoughts - both commonly conceived of as dysfunctional behaviors - had little correlation to a patient's reported sense of well-being, according to the study.

However, symptoms tied to heightened arousal - such as trouble sleeping, irritability and vigilance - were associated with lower quality of life among PTSD patients. Anxiety and depression were also associated with lower quality of life.

Celiac disease on the rise and is often associated with psychiatric symptoms « Beyond Meds

Celiac disease among other illnesses that can be fairly easily treated without psych drugs is one physical illness that sometimes gets people diagnosed with mental illness including schizophrenia and bipolar. All sorts of mental health issues can arise from someone with Celiac who is still actively eating gluten. It’s worth ruling it out if you have any sort of mental health issues.

February 2011 Newsletter - The Surviving Spirit

I hope all is well for everyone, no complaints here except that it is snowing – again!!! Oh well, it is what it is – especially when one lives in New Hampshire.

I can take some consolation with the knowledge that in a few weeks time I will be in Hawaii – a first for me and quite excited with this. Especially for the event I will be participating in and the company of people I will be with.  Sharon Wise, David Fuller, Tonier Cain and I will be presenting a panel on - “Survivor Leadership in Developing Trauma Informed Systems” at –

The IVAT 8TH ANNUAL HAWAII CONFERENCE March 8-10 at the Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu HI   - The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) is an international resource and training center at Alliant International University. You can learn more at -